Saturday, December 31, 2011

As I sit here a few hours before 2011 ends, I am thinking bye bye to a year of illness & injuries as well as some great memories.. ready to bring in the new year with great friends!! Here is to a healthy 2012 where I reach my goals, stay healthy & injury free, surprise myself with new abilities, create amazing memories & enjoy each day to the fullest!!! I am praying to be back at full training in January & be able to start keeping up with achievements, changes in attitude and working toward 1 of 2 of my ultimate 2012 gosls. Ironman Canada 2012... followed by graduating from Grad school... Bring it on! Happy New Year to all & hope it is amazing for everyone!!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Help me help others & find a cure....Cancer Sucks

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

82 days since I made a mental commitment.... now let's hope the physical will follow

Well... 82 days ago was one of the scariest days mentally for me, when I decided to since up for my first ever full IronMan in August of 2012... So most of you might think I have been working on staying in shape since that time, but sad to admit that has not been possible, because somehow my body went from 38 to 83 overnight...
So, a quick summary... since registering for the event, I have been out of the country more than in the country traveling for work, which is when it all started. I have had bronchitis & walking pneumonia with a cough that has lasted almost 7 weeks. Now that this is fading, I am now suffering from 2 herniated disks in my lower back, sciatica and a pulled groin. Funny part, is I have no clue how this happened, just know my friends are enjoying calling me grandma while trying to build a bubble around me :-)

Instead of 'physically' training, I have decided to work on my mental training & as my friend Khem would say start operation bubble to avoid any future injuries. So instead, I am reading a great book called "Inner Strength" as well as a book that Mary gave me called "Becoming an Ironman" to occupy my time without loosing focus (and to take a break from school books as that is all I have been reading for 2 years now)!! These have been a great eye opener and actually have me pumped up & excited to get back in the saddle. I am SO READY to be released to begin training again.

This brings us to today -  November 19th :-) Today was the 1st Saturday workout for the new triathlon season of Team in Training (part of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society) Although I could only walk with the team due to injury, it was still a great morning. It always amazes me to see so many people give up their Saturdays to train for a triathlon while raising money to help those with blood cancers. This is the beginning of my 7th year training & fundraising with Team in Training and I will never get tired of it. I was also blessed to walk with Doug today, a husband, father and also our honored hero for the season. Doug, who is in remission now, was just diagnosed last year with Leukemia two days before his 52nd birthday. He helped put back into perspective WHY I do this year after year, it is not about training for an event, it is about helping to save lives & I am blessed to be able to do so!!! You can also track my TNT info & help out if you would like at

SO................I will keep up my rehab, get better, get back to training & get to my first event of 2012 with TNT on April 1st.. once that is done, the training will get even more intense as I move onto the biggest physical challenge of my life. IronMan Canada 2012~~

Hope to be back soon with another update on my continued journey! I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Today is a day I made a choice to see how far I can go both mentally & physically!

Ironman Canada 2012

So I have been wanting to start a blog for a long time now, but a decision I made today made me decide to go for it.

I did something today that I NEVER thought I would do. I registered to do a full Ironman in 2012 in Canada!
For those of you that know me, I was very 'non-athletic' after school and through most of my 20's. I decided about 7 years ago to register for an Olympic Distance Triathlon with some friends to raise money to help find a cure for blood cancers. That was one of the scariest days of my life because I couldn't really swim, I couldn't run a mile & I didn't remember the last time I had been on a bike and I was already 30 - what was I thinking!!! Well I am still here, I finished it :-)

I have since stayed on with Team in Training and have done over 10 events raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in hopes to find a cure for blood cancers. I have kept it 'safe' with distances over the years as it was more about the organization! I just love the people in the organization & the world of triathlon!

I have been blessed to meet so many amazing people along the way! One of which become one of my dearest friends in the world, and who was my original coach that saw how sad my swimming skills were, Mary Carey! She has never given up on me, nor have most of my friends and they seem to believe in me more than I do. But today became the day that I had to belive in myself & put myself to the ULTIMATE test!

For those of you who aren't familiar with the Ironman distance of triathlon, it is a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride and then 26.2 miles of read that right - a full marathon AFTER the swim & the bike! I am thankful to have other friends that will be doing this race too, some first timers like me & others veterans to this distance & sport. I look forward to training with them & hopefully us keeping each other motivated!
Only 363 days away - wish me luck & I will keep everyone posted on training & my sanity!!